Lego Weather House

Lego weather house is an homage to the bavarian weather-predicting ornaments where the sun-hat wearing woman or the umbrella toting man step outside depending on the weather.



The original devices use barometric pressure but in my case I wanted to use a live feed from the Met Office (an excuse to learn some new JSON skills). And I used Lego instead of wood – it was about time I did a hack/build with Lego, this was my chance.

The Spark Photon gets things online wirelessly and its currently hooked up to the forecast for Brighton Beach.

The lego model was designed in the Lego Digital Designer app and all the bits ordered from the Lego store (apart from some technic bits that I already had) from there I added up a small servo which I attached with a 3D printed Lego part (thanks Thingiverse)… I soldered in a couple of leds to display the temperature and was ready to code. I used a combo of Spark Photon for the physical stuff, PHP to get the Met Office data and a Cron job keeps everything updated about every 20 minutes.

Lego weather houselego7lego6lego5lego4lego3lego2

Skills: Product Design & IOT