#AmanDariCovid19 / Safe from Covid19
During the spread of Coronavirus in March 2020 I worked as part of a small team on the ground on the Indonesian island of Bali, to set up a public information campaign.
The campaign set out to educate local people about the Coronavirus and the steps that they should take to protect themselves and their families. We created a hashtag #AmanDariCovid19 and initial influencer campaign to educate people of the need to self isolate and practice physical distancing by sharing a photo of themselves with a message displaying on their phone.
From there, the campaign has grown to cover the many areas of the health precautions that are recommended – from hand-washing tips, make at home masks, and reducing travel to relatives. The campaign has been translated into several languages and over 11 dialects local to the island. To date the campaign has reached over 1 million people via Facebook and shareable assets have been activated on all platforms including: Messenger, Instagram and Youtube.

Faces of some of the people that shared the Work, Study, Pray at home message thorough social channels.